School in Tambacounda

Tambacounda, Senegal

Client: Josef and Annie Albers Foundation with Le Korsa
Architect: Manuel Herz Architects, Basel
Project Team: Manuel Herz, Alexis Schuman, Moussa Belkacem, Penny Alevizou
General Contractor: Dr. Magueye Ba
Completion: Spring 2021
Photography: Iwan Baan

Beyond the actual design of the hospital, the process of planning was great importance to the overall project. Instead of imposing a design developed from the distance, we followed a planning process that grew out of research, and was based upon collaboration with local actors and the hospital community.

Initiated by the general contractor, Magueye Ba, a testfacade was expanded into a small building, now serving as a village school for the village of Makabing-Sidi, ca. 50km south of Tambacounda. This small village now has a proper school serving a group of 40 children.

How can the hospital go beyond itself? How can we as architects operate regionally? Our approach to the Tambacounda region is composed of several interventions on an architectural scale, but also comprises activities that go beyond the realm of construction:We collaborate with the governor in the field of public health for Tambacounda region, we emphasize and support economic self-sufficiency in rural communities and we try to change the planning culture in the urban setting of Tambacounda.