Turning the Nightmares of Evil into a Shared Dream of Good

The Koffler
2023 Edition

The Synagogue at Babyn Yar

This book belongs to the exhibition in Toronto with which it shares its name. A compilation of documents, extractable from the book and expandable in order to understand the history marked by tragedy, and the architecture that responds to it with life.

In June 1941, having conquered most of Europe, Hitler turned his gaze towards the east. Driven by his hatred of communism and his promise to the German people of more living space, he launched an attack on the Soviet Union. On September 19, 1941, German troops entered Kyiv after a bitter, four-week-long battle. Two days later began the Jewish year 5702, initiating the Days of Awe that were to end at the conclusion of Yom Kippur on September 30.